Cove Cairn
Tracy Vernon Designs
Shipping: Flat $5.50 per order
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As stated in the Cairn card that accompanies each purchase, Cairns, or stone mounds, are centuries old and found the world over. They have been used as markers for travellers/hikers, meditation for those seeking peace of mind and balance of life, good luck, and memoriams to loved ones who have passed. Look for them on rocky shores, forest paths, gardens, ancient cemeteries, and places you least expect like in these tiny depictions. Stones for these Cairns have been found as far as Cape Breton and as close as the North Fork of Long Island as well as beaches too numerous to mention. Each Cairn is unique. Expect variations. The dimensions of the frame are 4 1/4" x 3 1/4" and the material a lovely distressed pewter.