Art Sale and Garden Tour
It’s almost here! One week from today is the Art Sale and Garden Tour at my home in Montague. I have never done anything like this before and am beyond excited. I will be displaying a collection of my original pastel and watercolor paintings, matted prints, my line of mixed media art, cards, and a small selection of jewelry. I have created ‘nametags’ for my garden plants, tidied up my studio to welcome guests, matted and famed, meditated and imagined the day. I’ve also clarified the details for the event. To further entice you to come, here are some fun additions and clarifications.
The Dream Team who will be helping me the day of the event are three dear friends: Val, Lynn, and Carol. They’ll answer questions, describe the flow, explain the treasure hunt and charity raffles, point out the refreshment area, and help process and safely wrap purchases. We are able to take cash, credit or debit cards.
Parking will be on the grass in front of our house as well as our neighbors on either side. Think tag sale with your car mostly off the road. Many farm tractors travel Ferry Road, so we want to make their passage as easy as possible. There will be markers.
Treasure Hunt
A large original framed pastel titled ‘Journey’ is the prize. The treasure hunt is designed to be fun and accessible to all who attend. There is no fee for participating. I will contact the winner by phone or email. Please make sure we have your contact information.
Raffles for charities: I will be offering artwork for three different charities. It’s been difficult to choose. Here are the three awesome charities for this year’s raffle.
Kestrel Land Trust
Kestrel Land Trust is a nationally accredited conservation nonprofit based in the Pioneer Valley. Their mission is to conserve the woodlands, farmlands, and wild lands that sustain the quality of life and ecological integrity of the Connecticut River Valley. Kestrel has conserved more than 25,000 acres of wildlands, woodlands, farmland, and riverlands since 1970. Their aim is to protect 1,000 acres each year.
World Central Kitchen
World Central Kitchen is a not-for-profit non-governmental organization devoted to providing meals in the wake of natural disasters. WCK was founded in 2010 by celebrity chef José Andrés and his wife Patricia. WCK’s method of operations is to be a first responder bringing nutritious food to people in need and then to collaborate and galvanize solutions with local chefs to solve the problem of hunger. They have been very instrumental in bringing food to Americans who have been hard hit by the Pandemic as well as people on five continents who have suffered hunger due to natural disasters.
Dakin Humane Society
Daikin is a 501 (c) (3) community-supported animal welfare organization that provides shelter, medical care, spay/neuter services, and behavioral rehabilitation for more than 20,000 animals each year. Dakin was founded in 1969 and has become one of the most recognized nonprofit organizations in the Pioneer Valley and a national leader in animal welfare.
Tickets are 1 for $5 and 3 for $10.
Val, Carol, Lynn, and I are all fully vaccinated but because I am immuno-compromised, I will be asking people who would like to take a tour inside of my art studio to wear a mask. The number of folks in the studio will be limited to 3- 4 at a time. The majority of artwork, treasure hunt, charites raffle, and refreshments will all be displayed outdoors.
Home-made scones, artisanal local beverages, and flavored seltzer. RSVPing will help us know how many scones to bake and how many drinks to purchase. Please RSVP to
Remember the rain date is Sunday August 15. If both days are rainy, I’ll need to reschedule the event. Fingers crossed that won’t be necessary.
Can’t wait to see you next Saturday! ~ Tracy
Posted: to General News on Sat, Aug 7, 2021
Updated: Sat, Aug 7, 2021